Our custom C-extensions are hand fitted to add to the range of your double bass. Each extension is built to suit the bass and client's needs.
Alternative Materials
While ebony is the standard for extensions, we have been trying other materials. The example above is made of massaranduba, one of the South American species known as "Brazilwood" in the bow making world. This hard, straight-grain wood is an excellent FSC-certifiable alternative to ebony. It yields a rich red-brown look.
We have also made use of a synthetic ebony called Blackwood Tek. Although not easy to work with, Blackwood Tek has provided excellent results.
Blackwood Tek with prototype hardware.
Ongoing Development
We are always evaluating our extensions' design, seeking out the highest function and the most elegant look: be it dual pulleys to avoid drilling through the scroll or adding to the adjustability to each latch to accommodate the intonation of different makes of string.